Lessons: themes and subjects

Here I will post the themed lessons i do with my kiddos, This month the kids are working on "Friendship!"


Monday we working on "FriendShip Tree" I took out a large piece of paper drew a tree and branches ( i am no artist) and took and painted each child's hand a different color and there hands were the "leaves" and wrote their name on their hand it was great and the kids loved it! any ideas you all have is soo welcomed!

Tuesday- We had a shape of a person and they colored and drew their "Friend" it! allows the kids to be very creative !

Wednesday- the kids will make "Friendship Bracelets" with beads and yarn!

Thursday- they will make a "Friendship Wreath handprints on consturction paper cut out and put in a circle to forma wreath! door hanger!

Friday Movie day! - we will watch a movie on being "Friends" with others with disabilities and non disabilied "Friends"

 Next Month is September " Five Senses"